Where it starts – The Venue

After years of going back and forth, Beli was almost 13 when she finally said, “mom, I’ve decided I want a quince” and it was in that moment that I knew I had to start planning right away. Where do I start? Who do I ask? How much is too much? Deposits? It was overwhelming but I was sure of one thing. My baby girl deserved the best and no matter how stressful it was going to be, I knew I had to get it done.

First on the list was the venue! Everyone thought I was crazy for starting my search two years in advance but finding the right venue felt like an impossible needle in a hay stack type of search. So I did what I knew best. 

Instagram, Yelp, Google, Facebook, and recommendations from family and friends  consumed my lunch hours for weeks! Countless direct Messages, emails, phone calls, voicemails….I might as well have sent out smoke signals! Finding the venue felt nearly impossible with all of the endless search options. It was most frustrating when I wouldn’t hear back from some of the venues. They have 4 stars on Google but can’t call me back?! 

There had to be a better way!


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